Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Productivity Please!

As I am nearing the end of Module C (3/4 of the way through my MBA) I have come to really appreciate time management skills.  Thankfully, I'm a naturally organized person who likes to plan. ;) However, even us planners can use some help managing a full plate. Recently there have been quite a few articles about new productivity and time management apps on the market.

Personally, finding the time to use some of the time management tools is hard enough! But, I do have some favorites:
  • Evernote.  I love this app for note taking. It's the best way to keep notes organized.  It's not only easy, because you can quickly tag your notes with corresponding key words so you can easily find them later, but you can easily share them by turning them into PDFs or via your social media networks. 
  • Google Calendar. At this point, I wouldn't be able to operate effectively without my calendar. The best is when you can have different calendars and share your calendar with colleagues or classmates.  Calendaring is the best way to manage time.  When I'm feeling in despair, like the projects and tasks are piling up on me, I pull out my calendar.  Getting the calendar out and physically typing in and allocating time for each task helps me feel like I can take control and successfully achieve everything I need to. 
  • Google Drive & Add-Ons.  While I haven't used all of the cool add-ons Google Drive has, I think they are really useful.  There's one add-on that enables you to send faxes through your google docs.  Preeet.t.y cool!  You can also easily create process flows and diagrams and use their templates for invoices, business plans, financial statements, etc.

I got inspired to inspect my productivity, evaluate the current tools I use, and explore some new ones after reading Fast Company's articles on productive people.  As I check out new tools, I'll update this post with some new tips.

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