Wednesday, December 14, 2011

A Time for Gratitude and Reflection

During the holiday season, many of us feel the need to show appreciation through big presents and gestures, and spending money on gifts we can't afford is very common. It's imporant to remember that  expressing appreciation for what we already have can be just as rewarding. Medical studies show that taking time out of your day to be grateful for your family, friends, and positive parts of life can make you happy, improve your sleep, and even cut your risk for heart disease. And some say it's just as important to appreciate the things that are challenging, stressful or simply unfair, because they are helping you grow, learn and become a stronger person. 

Some things I am grateful for:

• My parents, who still support me financially and emotionally when I hit a rough spot 
• AmeriCorps, for giving me the opportunity to enter the non-profit world, fix my personal finances, and work with inspiring and intelligent professionals
• SparkPoint staff and coaches, for being supportive and encouraging as I embark on the next stage of my life 

Will I be able to express my appreciation to these people with lavish gifts this year? Unfortunately, no. But I am going to be creative and grateful, and inspire the people around me to take time to find gratitude within their own lives as well. Can’t beat that, right? ;-)

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