Tuesday, August 9, 2011

budgeting blues UPDATE

So my meal plan is working... to an extent. I may not always stick to the exact schedule, but I can still budget out what I need to buy for the week, and this is making me more conscious about what i'm buying at the grocery store and how much I'm spending.

But the main revelation of the week...I figured out I need another budget item! - for alcohol! (separate from the entertainment budget) because this drunk person to the left needs a little bit of money allocated to going out, having fun, and exploring the city!

and you know what? for a while now I've been telling myself I am not allowed to go out because I need to have a certain amount of money in my savings and I'm not earning enough to live the same lifestyle as before. But, I had a revelation! Who am I satisfying by this self-deprivation? 

If it makes me happy to go out and have fun with my friends, I need to figure out how I can allocate or even SAVE for these occasions. Maybe I don't go out every weekend since it's so expensive, but I can afford one or two? WITHOUT feeling guilty for going out. Right?

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